UPS News: 3rd November 2024
^^^ The Photos Immediately Above Is What UPS36 Asked For ^^
This UPS News is for Sunday 3rd November 2024...
Rescuing The Sannox Syndicates
Relief Is On Its Way
Helping The Ferry Replacement
That Will Help The Sannox Buldings Sell Well
(UPS36 Latest News: Click Here)
It is unusual to bring an update of UPS News forward, but we have some good news today. So we are not waiting until Sunday 3rd November to let shareholders know about the relief of Arran. Sannox being relieved by ferries that work feels akin to the Battle of Rourke’s Drift from which the movie Zulu was based (here).
Right now, the (nautical) cavalry are headed towards the island of Arran (and Sannox Syndicates) from the Isle of Man!
Source: Click Here
We cannot guarantee this is as a direct result of UPS36. Although the legal letters written to date are thanks to those wise and kind members of Unique Property Syndicates who are supporting UPS36.
Though, we do have word from those who attend the Scottish Government ferry meetings in Edinburgh that the owner’s of CalMac Ferries Ltd., (the Scottish Government are the owners) are very much aware of the “awkward squad” from the Island of Arran. That squad consisting of a vocal and organised group of folk that tend to appear a lot on Isle of Arran social media page (here).
Indeed one UK Government Baroness (here) who is the regional MSP for Arran (and Sannox Hotel) is a good friend of what we are doing at Sannox. Russ and the UPS-HQ Team must emphasise we are non-political. But we are required to liaise with politicians.
As a result, we are provided with details that will help us decide on how to progress with completing our custodianship of the Sannox Hotel + Newbuild House + Village Shop and how best to provide EXIT-ROUTES for our shareholders. So please check this UPS website at least once each week.
We were advised from the Holyrood Parliament that our “carrot and stick” approach seemed to be working. Indeed, when a group of politicians is thanked fairly publicly, then that actually registers with them. We know because a friend at the Scottish Parliament told us so and we trust her (a rare thing to write about a politician, but we have seen genuinely good efforts and work from both UK and Scottish politicians). Specifically when we asked for this to happen…
Source: Click Here
Getting The Sannox Syndicates Unstuck
To do this, our island buildings at Sannox
need a reliable ferry service
Sometimes The Carrot & Stick System Works!
When You Ask, Sometimes The Answer Is YES
Especially when a “thankyou” is included from us on a forum that is read by many politicians, including a former First Minister of Scotland! We are really pulling out all the ace cards we have at our disposal.
Arran Community Forum
The Arran Community Forum has more than 7,800 members. There are only 4,629 residents on the island according to the 2024 census. Although with over a 1,000,000 visitors each year, the numbers of folk joining the island of “Arran Community Forum” includes pretty much every member of the island community and a significant number of visitors to the island into that 7,800 membership.
This is important for UPS members to know as all of our EXIT-ROUTES will be brought to us SOONER if/when we get our Sannox syndicate buildings sold and the Arran Community Forum is a vital means of “back channel” communications to the politicians who seek to resolve certain community problems.
Being an island, a huge part of selling Sannox revolves around having a ferry service that is fit for purpose.
Consequently, THE Arran Community Forum on social media is very important to islanders, to you and us at UPS-HQ.
Also, given a former First Minister of Scotland was brought up on Arran and just happens to help our efforts is pure coincidence! Och, bu66er being bashful, Jack McConnell and Russ McLean have known each other for 40 years! They share several things in common. The welfare of the island of Arran residents and visitors is high on both their lists.
There may only be 4,629 residents…
Source: Click Here
… But both the above named “characters” have the welfare of the island (and the ferry service) in their DNA. We will leave that comment sit on this page, just as an indicator as to why certain political matters may appear to have a LOT of common sense in their reasoning and receive a YES when even the majority of islanders thought the crew at UPS-HQ had lost their marbles (some pretty big favours were sought, not for any surreptitious reasons, just for the common good ~ to ensure businesses survived and peoples’ jobs kept alive).
This brings us neatly onto the main focus of the Arran Community Forum efforts.
We asked for the MV Alfred. The government read the islanders’ reactions. Hey presto, the MV Alfred was chartered. It DID save the Arran economy (though not sufficient to persuade BUYERS tat had struggled to get across a chronically under-capacity ferry route.
The main ferries to carry 1,000,000 passengers a year (plus locals) to Arran.
What we have:-
MV Isle of Arran ferry: 76 cars (click here).
MV Alfred ferry : 98 cars (here).
What Arran was promised:-
MV Glen Sannox ferry ~ started construction EIGHT years ago: 127 cars (click here).
MV Glen Rosa ferry ~ started construction NINE years ago: 127 cars (click here).
That is a current total of 174 car capacity for the two ferries just now as opposed to a forensic of 250 car capacity. Hence the “newish” replacement ferries totalling 254 cars per trip (127 + 127).
However, given the fact that half the crew live on Arran and our UPS-HQ founder lived next door to and still remains friends with one of the finest Chief Engineers employed by CalMac, the received wisdom is that the length of time being built, plus design problems with the two “newish” ferries mean they will be spending MANY MONTHS at a time being STUCK up at the shipyard where they were built and getting repair work done.
HENCE our going to extreme lengths creating the UPS36 syndicate to ensure the Scottish Government (as owners of the ferries and ferry operator), listened to expert advice to BUY or CHARTER a SAFETY BACKUP FERRY.
We bet every single member of Unique Property Syndicates that the majority of us are cynical about politicians. At least to a certain degree.
Which is why we here at UPS-HQ were STUNNED when POLITICIANS KEPT THEIR PROMISE.
Oh bliss, what a novel idea: politicians helping cure major problems!
The folks on Arran seem to think so too.
^^ A Lot of Arran Folk Are Stunned At This ^^
To be honest, so are the crew at UPS-HQ
So much so that a message was sent to
say THANK YOU to the politicians…
^^ Saving The Arran Economy ^^
This is also…
^^ The Sannox Solution ^^
Last but not least for this UPS News update a HUGE thank you must go to…
Those UPS Members Who Helped This Happen
By Joining
Well done to each member of UPS36 for keeping the faith.
We now have real and tangible hope of getting the Sannox Hotel + Shop + Newbuild “Bay Cottage” house sold.
Latest Remarkable News In
Saving Sannox Buildings Being Mothballed
Click Here